While the Flying Meat server was being relocated yesterday I took the opportunity to write a plugin for VoodooPad that I've been meaning to do for a couple of years now. Hey- I can't check the bug system, so I might as well do something kind of fun, right?

Anyway, this particular plugin "View Document" opens up a window with a paginated view of your entire document, which really isn't all that useful by itself. However- you can then bring up the print panel, and choose "Save As PDF" to get a PDF of your entire document. That's cool and useful for a bunch of folks.

Download: DocumentView.vpplugin.zip (10.4+ only).

The source (which just rips off TextEdit) is available via svn for hacking on as well: http://flycode.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/voodoopadplugins/documentview/.

If you have any feedback, send it to support@flyingmeat.com so it'll get placed in my bug tracker and I won't lose it.

(And you have Kevin Avila to thank for this plugin. His constant prodding finally pushed me over the edge to get it done :)